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API Documentation

To try out our API, you can interact with it via our front facing user interface hosted at

For developers interested in using the API directly, you've come to the right place!

The DAOstar API service is hosted at and you can view our Swagger documentation here.

Basic Example

Our API service allows developers to submit EIP-4824 compatible DAO JSON-LD schemas to be stored on both IPFS and our database to easily propogate and serve the data.

To create a new immutable DAO schema, simply send a POST request to The request body should be a JSON object with the following format:

"data": {
"name": "<DAO name>",
"description": "<DAO description>",
"membersURI": "<DAO members URI>",
"proposalsURI": "<DAO proposals URI>",
"activityLogURI": "<DAO activity log URI>",
"governanceURI": "<DAO members URI>"

This API call will return a JSON object with the following format:

"url": "<CID>",
"cid": "<CID>"

The returned URL is a static endpoint that will serve the JSON schema that was just posted through our API service via a GET request. Additionally, the returned CID (content identifier) allows the schema to be accessed directly from the IPFS network without going through our API service.